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  • Stewardship Committee is responsible to remind Holy Trinity members the need to share their gifts of time, talent, and treasure. The Committee, in collaboration with the Finance Committee, reviews weekly financial contributions, sees how they impact the annual budget of the church, and makes recommendations based on the financial activities of the church. In the fall, the Stewardship Committee coordinates an annual stewardship campaign inviting members to pledge and commit to sharing time, talent, and treasure for the coming year. After the stewardship campaign, the Committee collects the pledges and integrates them into a projection for the coming year’s budget. Also pledges of time and talent are put together for follow through and connection. Membership is open to all members of the church. Anyone who wants to join the Stewardship Committee should contact Linda Finney at 651-714-9440


  • Music and Liturgy Committee: The role of the liturgy committee is to plan, oversee, and evaluate the liturgies and devotions of the faith community. The committee works in an advisory and collaborative capacity with the priest, to oversee the training, direction, and coordination for various liturgical ministries (Ushers or hospitality ministers, Choir, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, and Acolytes) and all aspects of liturgy:  planning, environment, hospitality, music, and worship. In addition, the committee promotes activities that nurture the devotional life of the parish. Anyone interested in serving on the Music and Liturgy Committee please contact the church office at 651-228-0930.


  • Finance Committee is in charge of Holy Trinity’s budgetary matters, monitors and reviews all financial transactions, and in collaboration with the Stewardship Committee, makes recommendations to the vestry regarding the financial health of the church. Members of the Committee meet to look over financial statements and to provide financial updates at the monthly meetings of the vestry and to congregational meetings. Membership is open to all interested members of the church. Any member who wants to serve on the Finance Committee should please contact Hector Nanka Bruce at 612-296-7005.


  • Communications/Marketing Committee: In charge of keeping the congregation informed of the missional life of Holy Trinity, and also making Holy Trinity known to the wider community through the website, the monthly publication of the New Birth Newsletter, and as needed brochures, event flyers, programs, etc. If interested in working or supporting this committee, please call the church office at 651-228-0930.


  • The Carty-Lealtad Endowment Fund accepts donations from people who are interested in investing in the future of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church. The Endowment Fund carries the blessed memories of the Reverends Frs. Alfred Lealtad and Denzil Carty. You can donate for your birthdays, anniversaries, baptisms, or in memory of a deceased loved one. Money donated is invested, and the interest dividends earned are used for the mission of the church. Any interest or questions, please call the church office at 651-228-0930



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